The imperfection of food and products literally inspires Imperfect Foods. These imperfect foods are usually rejected in the grocery standards because of scratches, irregular shapes, or colors, and ...
Is FinCon *Really* Worth Going To? (Review of FinCon 2018)
We are an online community based on conscious spending and finding the best value so every newbie out there is going to be asking themselves this question at one point or another..."Should I go to ...
Hubby Didn’t Get a Promotion (…did the world end?)
Planes torpedoed down from the once untarnished crystal blue skies.This now unholy planet shattered open and began oozing out the same crimson blood I held in my veins.Suddenly, as if ‘A Clockwork ...
2 Different Ways in Approaching a Fulfilling Life (Asian Style)
Heyo! After a week in sunny, humid Orlando weather...I'm back to living and loving the cold, dark Pacific Northwest weather. It's good to be home!!!I'll finish my FinCon trip write up later and some ...
6 Investing Mistakes You Probably Should Avoid (Or Don’t, I’m Not Your Momma)
Before reading, just keep in mind this disclaimer: “Don't you know opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one and most of them stink.”I have been dealing with some skin allergies for the past ...
When Income Doesn’t Require Working Anymore
A good daydream for normal people involves winning the lottery or scoring a lifetime pass to the Maldives. Good, normal thoughts. Mine used to be daydreaming that I was the only person left in ...
How Much Money Does Our Brand of Frugality Save? (Spoiler: $56,000+/Year)
I’ve honestly wondered about how much our frugal living saved. Let's do the whole math breakdown and find out!Our brand of frugality is pretty typical (to a little extra strength) in the accumulation ...
Everything ‘Married…With Children’ Did That Kept Them Poor
Does anyone remember that show Married...With Children? I use to watch old reruns of Married...With Children on FOX even though it was a little before my time.I didn’t always get the jokes back then ...
Poking Fun of Deathbed Regrets While Having No Plan to Repeat Any
We're all going to die someday babes. #morbidDeathbed regrets should have more research funding. It seems like invaluable information if you take it as advice. See, I don’t see people as lacking in ...
Frugality is a Lifestyle That You Might Be Doing Wrong
Frugal isn't just an activity or an adjective!But frugal living just doesn’t sound as cool as being an all-black turtleneck wearing minimalist...nor is frugality marketed to the masses with much ...